Does the New Timeline Accept Keyframe Animations and Shape Keys?

The new timeline makes easier for us to use premade animations (the .anim files) sequenced and smoothly between each other in a cutscene animation, making it much easier than using the traditional animation “timeline”. But let’s suppose I want to make a cutscene that uses new movement animations, ones that are not not premade nor used in-gameplay and they will happen only once, at that given moment, at that given cutscene. In this case I would need to make the new movement at that moment. Does the new timeline support Bone, Inverse Kinematic(IK) and/or Shape Keys keyframing?


Hi Arthur,
Tell me if I’m wrong, but from what I understand of that question, you might have missed one of the feature of the animation track, which is the recording phase.
here is an example with a simple cube (could be applied to an humanoid) :3159107--240326--record.gif

Technically you could record keys on shape blends, bones etc…

Does that helps? Otherwise, maybe an example of what you want to achieve would help us have a better understanding of the issue.

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