Does this indicate that someone was trying to hack my server?

my game server crashed today. It is written in node. its not perfect. the counsel error referred to a line of code that reads and writes to the hard drive based on user names and creates logs. the search should have been formated to look for a txt file named after a user, but the server crashed when it looked for and didn’t find “admin.php/ma.txt”. Hmmmmmm.

i dont believe admin.php or ma.txt would have anything to do with my server or appear in any of my code written in node.js or the unity game intended to speak to it.

would “admin.php” or “ma.txt” have any significance to SQL or appachy or somehow indicate someone was trying to snoop around?

Apart from the fact that this question isn’t related to Unity at all, this happens millions of times a day. Most hackers use bots that scan random IP addresses for webservers and see if it’s a known system and try some default login combination (you wouldn’t believe how many run servers with default passwords for their admin user account).

This is more or less how the internet works at least the last ten years. Such attempts existed even before but were less frequent. Apart from hackers there are all the search bots from all those search engines like google which more or less do the same thing but don’t try to crack logins.

I run an FileZilla FTP server on my PC which is accessible from the internet. It creates a seperate log file for each day. You can immediately see when someone tries a brute-force attack which happens every other day. (Though my server blocks after a few wrong logins ^^).