Does UNet ConnectionConfig.ConnectTimeout actually work?

I think something might be off with UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionConfig.ConnectTimeout. Considering what is in the docs I would expect the total timeout of a connection process to on a closed port to be

var expected = config.ConnectTimeout * config.MaxConnectionAttempt;

So having ConnectTimeout = 10000 and MaxConnectionAttempt = 2 MaxConnectionAttempt = 1 should result in a Disconnect/Timeout after at least 20s 10s. Could be a bit more depending of the game update rate but certainly not less. However I’m getting a timeout in less than a second… Did I miss anything here !?

Edit: Just for the record if anyone else come accross the same issue. After watching the problem closer I realized that as of vesion 5.3 the NetworkTransport is trying to connect up to (MaxConnectionAttempt-1) times, so the total timeout is actually ConnectTimeout *(MaxConnectionAttempt-1) and if you pass MaxConnectionAttempt = 1 you receive a Disconnect/Timeout in the next frame without any real connection attempt taking place.

Hi @nlebedenco , You are absolutely right in your expectation. Report bug please about this (with project attached and reproducing steps). Most probably there is a string like if ( currenAttempt < MaxConnectionAttempt) instead <= …

not big issue for sure, but it is a bug definitely

Yeah not a big bug for sure. I’ve had it reported. Thx.