Does Unity 2021 work with SteamVR?

According to the SteamVR Unity Package it supports Unity’s OpenXR Plugin for Unity 2020.1+, so I tried to check if it would work for Unity 2021 and this is what can be seen after hitting the play button:

In the headset one eye would be gray with stretched editor icons and the other eye would be completely black.

Is SteamVR officially not supported on Unity 2021? My objective is mainly to achieve point light shadows with URP in VR, is there any other solution to make this work eventually?

Correct, the SteamVR plugin is developed and maintained by Valve. Please post your issues on their Github so their team can address.

Thanks, I’ll make sure to do that.

Eventually, is there any alternative to SteamVR for Unity 2021 VR?

Hello Woflo,

I am pretty new working with VR so I am not sure about the alternatives, but you should look into OpenXR for unity which I believe is in preview right now, but it works pretty well.

EDIT: Sorry, didn’t see that you’ve already mentioned OpenXR in the beginning. Are you using Steam VR to run within Unity? For me it helped to update SteamVR to the Beta release to prevent some graphical issues.

Thank you for the info Tarrom, I’ll try checking out SteamVR beta too.

Did someone figure this out?