Does Unity 5 support multiple people developing a game at once?

Or at least, how would you share the game?

I’m developing a game with a partner, but I’m not sure how I can get it on his computer, or get us in there at the same time. So does Unity support multiple people developing at once? How would you do it? How would you share it? Any other information on this topic would be appreciated as well.

Thank you.

Version control or asset server.

How would I use these?


does it require pro version?


So what does this do, exactly?

Coincidentally, I just setup git this afternoon. This was pretty useful:

I’m using BitBucket.

Read this to get the general idea

Asset Server requires pro version while version control is a third party app so there might be costs.

I would recommend BitBucket and SourceTree combination. While setting up your project for the first time, you’d better make a backup in case something goes wrong.

SourceTree? Meh. TortoiseGIT is so much better and it integrate with the explorer.

Dunno lol. SourceTree worked out pretty well for me :stuck_out_tongue:
Will try TortoiseGIT for my next project!

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It’s great, because you don’t have to open separate program, it’s all in right-click menu of the explorer. Not sure if there is mac version.

That sounds great.
Ignoring the fact that it has “GIT” in it, does it support Mercurial? :stuck_out_tongue:

Visual Studio Code has GIT built right into it. Unfortunately it doesn’t work with BitBucket just yet. :frowning: I’m using SourceTree to push the project to the server and VSCode to do my commits locally.