I’m importing the ‘Unity Analytics’ asset from the asset store.
The asset’s folder structure has the core code and some different platform files (each in a folder).
My project is IOS and Android. When I build for one platform, do the files which belong to other platforms get excluded or do the APK and XCode builds contain the files for the other platforms as well?
On any library asset you can set for which platforms this library should be used. That includes the editor as platform as well. For example a normal .NET dll usually can be used on all platforms including the editor. However a platform specific native plugin only work on its respective platform. So you have to adjust the settings on the library asset in the inspector to choose on which platform(s) this library should be included and used.
Another example would be if you develop on a windows PC (so your editor platform is windows editor) and you want to use a native windows dll (because you develop a windows standalone application) you could allow that dll to be used at runtime (windows standalone) as well as the editor. If you also want to publish for Mac you could have a similar native plugin for Mac and have that only be used when building for Mac or when working in the mac editor.