Pretty much the title; does unity render the scene (on the cpu side) on the same thread as Update? I want to know so that I can offload my complex operations to a different thread.
The answer is: yes, to some degree. Details: unknown. This is pretty much irrelevant though.
Note that most of Unity’s regular API is not thread safe and will not work (correctly) on background threads.
For multithreading in Unity use the Job system. Thanks to the Burst compiler it’s also leaps and bounds faster than any standard C# multithreaded code.
You can also get an idea of when Unity does something in the overarching player loop from the C# ref: UnityCsReference/Runtime/Export/PlayerLoop/PlayerLoop.bindings.cs at master · Unity-Technologies/UnityCsReference · GitHub
Helps when wanting to know if something happens before or after something else.