Does using extra scenes use more memory?

If I want to reduce memory usage for building to mobile. Is it better to have a menu scene, which goes to the game scene, which goes to a scoreboard scene.

Or is it better to only have one scene, in which the menu becomes visible to the user when it needs to be and hides when the game is playing?


@jevans70 An empty scene is about 6kB so I suppose that’s how much you’d save not using scenes. I wouldn’t invest the effort into saving that, keeping in mind how much scenes can help with organizing your project and that you have about 20 MB (20,000kB) to work with depending on your platform. The real problem is the size of graphics and other things compared to which the size of a scene is negligible.

You’re going to have to save data on the state of whatever it is you’re doing in any case and that’s basically what the scene does for you.

Here’s some more info