Does Visual Scripting Support Changing Objects in the Scene View?

I have a lot of components that let you preview their outcome in the editor before hitting “play.” For example, a script that rotates an object lets you input a new rotation into its field and it will preview the new rotation in the editor, as well as previewing the Lerp between the current and new rotations. Is this functionality supported with Unity’s visual scripting system?

Specifically, currently the rotate script shows up as a component that has several different rotation values exposed in the editor and changes which to use/Lerp to based on a variable. If I refactored this to use visual scripting and go off on a Unity event (for example, OnPointerDown, call a function that causes the object to rotate), is there a way for me to enable the Visual Scripting function to show a preview in the editor without hitting “play” like our current components do?

Yes you can use the manual trigger from the addons. Very useful, although many further functions of use for it that could be developed. Tricky part if you are previewing is whether particular settings stay from your previewing (ok if you reset in Start on play)