Does your app hang/crash when deployed to Windows?

Every single app of mine have so many hangs/crashes in windows but none in ios and android.

The crash log from windows also tells me nothing other than “outstanding_deferrals”

Anyone experiencing the same issue? or know how I can get the cause of crashes/hangs for windows build?

same for me outstanding_deferrals 0x0 no one answered :frowning:

This contains very little information. Please attach player log, so we can see a better picture of the problem.

I have the same problem… Half of the users with outstanding_deferrals 0x0 on Windows Store.

How do i get more info? I could not reproduce it, and Windows Store only shows :


Hummm… I found the reason of my problems using “Unity Game Performance Report”,

There is a bug with Unity 5.4 on WSA .NET build, where try except are not avoiding fatal errors. And DOTween does use a lot it to remove tweens from destroyed gameobjects. You have to make sure you killed all your active tweens before changing from one scene to another to avoid this.

I hope Unity fixes this problem soon.

Well does Unity know about the problem for them to fix it?
And you are using a beta build 5.4! so can happen…

We know about the case where exception thrown out of managed code through native code does not reach managed code on the other side. There are such cases from Unity engine itself, though they are usually fixable in scripts (and it is better to fix scripts and prevent exception, than to catch them).
Such problem only happens when .NET Native is enabled, everything works fine if it’s disabled. We know about this problem, but since fixing it is not trivial and will likely have negative performance impact, we aren’t rushing until we know we have to fix it. So far we only got a single bug report about it.

So, if the issue you experience is as described, please speak up, so we know, how wide spread the issue actually is!

I am using 5.3.4 and only have 1 scene. I do use DOTween and is also using unity network.
I am suspecting that this is my issue as well, because when i take out my dotweens in the rpc calls, the crash doesn’t happen.

frustrating! Please fix this soon.