Doesnt detec if true

It should detect if car speed is if lower than 50 - 50 “HP”
if lower than 100 - 100 “HP”.And if “HP” is lower than 0 it should change var “Wrecked” to true but it doesnt :confused: and if “Wreck” is true it should disable “CarControl” Script.Can someone help me?
I’m beginer and sorry for my english

#pragma strict
var HP = 100;
var Wreck = false;
if(HP < 0)
Wreck = true;
if(Wreck == true)
 Debug.Log("Cant drive");
function Update () {
function OnCollisionEnter(col: Collision){
  if (col.gameObject.tag == "Wall"){
    Debug.Log("I like Wall");
   if(GetComponent(CarControl).Speed < 50)
   HP -= 50;
      if(GetComponent(CarControl).Speed < 100)
   HP -= 100;



Lots of very core things wrong here. I’m surprised it even compiles at all.

This part is fine:

#pragma strict
var HP = 100;
var Wreck = false;

This part looks as though it’s not even within a method body.

if(HP < 0)
Wreck = true;
if(Wreck == true)
 Debug.Log("Cant drive");

Here’s an empty Update method which should probably contain the orphaned code above.

function Update () {

While not technically wrong, you should probably have CarControl cached so that you can more quickly access it each time there is a collision. GetComponent is slow!

function OnCollisionEnter(col: Collision){
  if (col.gameObject.tag == "Wall"){
    Debug.Log("I like Wall");
   if(GetComponent(CarControl).Speed < 50)
   HP -= 50;
      if(GetComponent(CarControl).Speed < 100)
   HP -= 100;

So how can we fix this?

#pragma strict
var hp : int = 100;
var carControl : CarControl;

function Awake()
    carControl = GetComponent(CarControl);
    if (carControl == null)
        Debug.LogError("No CarControl Component found!");

function OnCollisionEnter(col: Collision)
    if (col.gameObject.tag == "Wall")
        Debug.Log("I like Wall");

        // the only reason the below logic really isn't ideal, but it'll work because if the value is 51 it won't pass the first check,
        // but will pass the second.
        if(carControl.Speed < 50)
            hp -= 50;
        else if(carControl.Speed < 100)
            hp -= 100;

    enabled = hp > 0;