Doesn't spawn when level is restarted

I have a script that allows the player to spawn bullets

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    using UnityEngine.UI;
        public class ShootBullet : MonoBehaviour {
        public GameObject Bullet;
        public Transform Kamera;
        public new bool Instantiate;
        public float ReloadTime;
        public Text ReloadingText;
        private void Start()
            Instantiate = true;
        void Update () {
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
     if (Instantiate == true)
                Instantiate(Bullet, Kamera.position, Kamera.rotation);
                    ReloadingText.enabled = true;
            IEnumerator Reload(){
            Instantiate = false;
     yield return new WaitForSeconds(ReloadTime);
                           Instantiate = true;
             ReloadingText.enabled = false;  

It works fine until I restart the level (of course I have a script for this). When the level is restarted it only does it once. It also does once if I start the game from another scene. For example, I started the game from the main menu and when I load this level from a button it only spawned once.

I think I got the problem but cannot try it because I figured it out after deleting the project. I forgot to set the time scale to 1 again.