I’ve created a Color font asset that contains a single emoji I need to use and set it as the only Fallback Emoji Text Asset in project settings. It works fine when I’m testing in the editor, but when I go to do a build (for Quest 3), sometime during the build process, the atlas inside the asset goes from 1024x1024px to 1x1px. When I look at some of the inspector settings of the top-level part of the asset, the character table and glyph table have gone from 1 to 0 during the build process.
So something is totally wrecking my little emoji atlas during a build (and of course my emoji doesn’t display properly in the build). Wondering if there is something I might be overlooking? Maybe its a platform-related setting?
Thank you!
Can you provide images and if there is any code involved the code too.
Common issues I have seen is people set a variable that either at runtime is changed, or they forget to set it properly, here is an example:
public Image background;
public float imageHeight, imageWidth;
private void Start(){
imageHeight = 1f;
imageWidth = imageHeight;
private void Update(){
background.height = imageHeight;
Then you set in the editor Image Height = 1024, run the program and it defaults back to the 1f because Start variable declares it as 1f, and its not changed in Update
This may not be the issue at hand, but it is a common issue faced. Feel free as I said to post more information so I can assist in this further
It’s not really an image. it’s a .asset file created with Unity’s Font Asset Creator panel (via Text Mesh Pro). It contains an atlas (image) inside the .asset file, but there is no code involved. This is just part of the workflow for adding custom emoji characters to be used with TextMeshPro.