DollyTrack doesn't show handles

My dollytrack stopped showing handles and for the life of me I can’t figure out why. All I can see is the green track but no more numbered handles I could move around.

What I mean by handles, you can see them featured in this post: Using Cinemachine Dolly path in v2.0

This is what mine looks like:

You can see being selected but the handles just don’t appear.

I tried this on brand new projects both on Unity 2018.1.6f1 and Unity 2018.2.0f2.

My other project on 2018.1.6f1 shows them just fine. I don’t know if I should bug report it or I’m missing something very trivial.

That’s just weird. Do you have anything unusual going on in here?


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Everything is checked. (Similar to my alternative project where they still appear)

So if it’s not me missing out something incredibly obvious, should I bug report it along with an example project?

I’m afraid it only happens on my machine but who knows, if I give the project along maybe not.

Just managed to make it happen:
If you have 2 inspectors open, one showing the path and the other locked to a different object, the handles on the path disappear. Did you have a second inspector window open?

Yes! I happened to have the Time window opened and lock. Closing it and re-opening Unity fixed it, thanks!

Reminds me of an old bug I once filed involving 2 Inspectors and the edge collider 2D gizmos not showing up. Mhh.

I did file the bug for this one as well, but without specifying the 2 inspectors thing (as I didn’t know yet it was that), Case number: 1084458

Thanks for the support!

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This happens to me ALL the time and I am on the very latest Cinemachine (2.8.0-pre.1) and do not have another inspector open and rarely ever do. You for sure have a bug and the only way I can fix is a restart. Super annyoying.

What’s your unity editor version? There is a known bug in 2021.2. See Cinemachine Virtual cameras dont show Move Tool and Rotate tool in 2021.2.2

This has happened to me through all the 2021.1.x and 2021.2.x less 2021.2.3f1 that jsut came out today as I have not tried yet.

It’s august 2023 and the same thing still happens. Need to restart Unity everytime I want to edit the dolly track. Version is 2022.3.4f1.

I’m only replying since the same thing is happening in unity 6! - the solution is likely you have the combined transform tool selected. If you selected the move tool only you should get the handles displaying as expected