i’m trying to find a way, how to find out and then prevent collisions, before I spawn a prefab to a random location. My code, so far, looks like this:
void Start()
for (int i = 0; i < minimalCars; i++)
GameObject car = generateNewCar();
BoxCollider bc = car.GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
Vector3 halfColliderSize = new Vector3(bc.size.x / 2, bc.size.y / 2, bc.size.z / 2);
Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapBox(car.transform.position, halfColliderSize);
int j = 0;
while (j < hitColliders.Length)
Debug.Log("Hit: " + hitColliders[j].name + j + hitColliders[j].transform.position);
In the editor I can clearly see, that two spaned prefabs are colliding with each other, but the console won’t log any collision. The BoxCollider also has the correct size.
Can someone help me?