Don't know how to progress in Unity..

I don’t know how to progress, after I finish tutorials, I dont feel like I learn alot from them. Is there any thing I could do like a method to get better at unity?

Don’t get good at Unity, get good at making games. Therefore I would suggest you try and make a simple but complete game.

Thank you, will do.

I don’t know what the target is for you development PC, VR, ?. But I will suggest that you always have a test project available for you to test what you think you learned and test it there.

Then think about what actions will be needed in whatever project you have in mind. If it is player movement then be sure you can move a player. If you think jumping will be needed figure out how to make the player jump, etc. Work on the parts not on a complete game. You can construct the app/game from the parts when you have them working.

Also consider “structure”. Anyone can (generally speaking) write some code but is it any good? It needs to do more than just work. It should be reusable, extensible, readable, etc. Figure this out before you have 10,000 lines of mush.

I will disagree a bit. One should be moderately “good” at Unity, meaning they are aware of what tools it offers, how to navigate, etc. but they should very definitely understand how Unity works. Knowledge of the class library and such is a time saver in the long run.

That said a simply complete game/app is a good idea and I almost always start by creating a test app that does very little and make sure that I can deploy that. Save it to source control and work from there. Get into an iterative process of improvement, refactor, rebuild, save, deploy.

Game/app development is a process not a bunch of code. :smile:

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Yes, but I think getting good at Unity should be a byproduct of trying to make a game, or trying to get good at making games. It shouldn’t be its own purpose.

You must try and fail to learn. Knowing tools is essential but you don’t need everything at once. Set some real goals to achieve. In the developing process fill the knowledge gaps and reward your brain with closing the project. Never-ending projects tire your brain and demotivate you to take action. Ultimately, you can simply burn out.

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What made you decide to use/learn Unity in the first place?
Is there an idea for a game you would like to create?

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