Hi there
I have been meesing around with this for the last week in my off-time, but I need some input and cool ideas:sunglasses: use A,S,W,D for controls.
Hi there
I have been meesing around with this for the last week in my off-time, but I need some input and cool ideas:sunglasses: use A,S,W,D for controls.
First I would tweak like everything … Make the character run faster, make the jump lower, make the jetpack usable just when the character is airborne(after a jump) and make the jetpack finite - some fuel or stuff :). And I was able to go trough walls and sometimes I glitched into a wall.
I hope it helps ;),
– David
Cool, thanks for the feedback. i especially like the idea of only making the jetpack active after a jump into the air! yes, I know it needs a lot of tweeking, but I’m just thinking about the actual game storyline, how I can make it interresting. I would like to combine action with a very strategic gameplay.
I know it needs a lot of tweeking, but here are some very basic enemy bots.
more updates, pistons and timed flame blaster
please feel free to share some ideas for gameplay, thanks