I’m running Unity 2019.2.10 and Unity Hub 2.1.3 on macOS 10.13.6. When I open Unity by itself, Unity Hub automatically launches as well. This didn’t happen with previous versions of Unity Hub.
I don’t want to keep Unity Hub open; I typically work in the same project, and only use Unity Hub to manage my Unity installations. If I’m opening Unity, Unity should open—not Unity + Unity Hub.
I find this extremely irritating as well. Hub has no value other than as a start-up tool for version management. If I want that functionality, I’ll start hub myself. When I just want Unity, I don’t want a second application to start.
Recently, I moved to a different Unity project launcher, yet when I open any Unity project, the editor starts the Hub as well. Is there an option for this already? I dont udnerstand why Unity starts the hub by default.