Don't start the audio from the beginning

How can I stop the audio to play from the beginning when the scene loaded again. I have a scene named x which has a background music. In the middle of the game the player will be lead to another scene (Name it y) for just some seconds and the s/he will be led to the x. I want to play the music in x from the beginning just the first time player enters that scene, and the next times the music continues from where the player left scene x. I used pausing and don’t Destroy functions. However,they didn’t solve the problem and they just add new music to the song. I mean I had more than one audio played in one scene. How can I make the music to start from where the scene was left.
Thanks in advanced and sorry if I couldn’t explain the main problem.

You can use the AudioSource properties time and timeSamples to set the time. Of course you have to save it before loading scene y.

Uncheck the options “Play on awake”.