Lets say I have a scene called MainMenuScene in which I have a GameObject
, say, Datasource_GO.
On this I’ve assigned a script, say, Datasource_CS.cs whose contents can be simply:
void Awake() {
void Start () {
From MainMenuScene I can go to, say, GameScene and then back to MainMenuScene.
The problem here is that with DontDestroyOnLoad I expected Datasource_GO to run the Awake method just once but everytime I load MainMenuScene, it executes Awake.
I believe it’s the intended behavior so for now, I have put Datasource_GO in a dummy scene called _DummyScene that loads MainMenuScene with no route back to _DummyScene just to prevent Datasource_GO from executing multiple times.
I would like to know how you guys have/would handle this scenario or have any insight/alternatives to this.