DontDestroyOnLoad doesn't read itself

hi to all, i have an issue passing data trough scenes: in the 1 scene i pass a value nameTatticToLoad to LoadDataManager, then i call a scene and i want that LoadDataManager will do some staff and i think i did the right tinks
The problem is that in the new scene in the ispector i see the value nameTatticToLoad in LoadDataManager, but if i Debug.Log("nameTatticToLoad: " + nameTatticToLoad) i get nameTatticToLoad is empty.
this is the code:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class LoadDataManager : MonoBehaviour
    private static LoadDataManager dataManagerInstance;
    public static LoadDataManager current;

    public string nameTatticToLoad;
    private void Awake()
        current = this;
        if (dataManagerInstance == null)
            dataManagerInstance = this;
    public void passNameTattic()
        Debug.Log("Call passNameTattic");
        Debug.Log("nameTatticToLoad: " + nameTatticToLoad);
        if (this.nameTatticToLoad != "")
        UIManager.current.fileName = nameTatticToLoad;

i don’t understand why i never see the Debug.Log(“nameTatticToLoadENTERRRR”) like this.nameTatticToLoad != “” is alway false also if i see the value in the ispector
thz for help

Are the scripts in other objects?

yes, they’r in other objects.