I have a game manager (empty gameobject) which i want to go from level to level as my player progresses.
On the game manager, is a score keeping script (in java script), within the ‘Awake’ function is the line ‘DontDestroyOnLoad(transform.gameObject);’.
Here’s the problem:
When i load a new level using: Application.LoadLevel (“Star Counter”);
The gameobjects in the new scene are displayed as ‘deleted gameobject’ and can’t be selected
- The camera is still showing the scene (but is listed as a ‘deleted gameobject’)
- The background is still shown, but the texture isn’t scrolling (as i programmed it to do…and is listed as a ‘deleted gameobject’)
If i remove the DontDestroyOnLoad line from the game manager, the gameobjects in the new level are fine.
Why is this happenening, how can it be fixed?
Thank you as always for your time, Tom
The game manager holds the scores (collected stars) and the GUI for the game and loads the next level when needed.
Here’s the script:
var zoe : GameObject;
var kim : GameObject;
// Star counting: ///////////////////////////////////////
var zoeStarsYellow : int;
var kimStarsYellow : int;
var zoeStarsBlue : int;
var kimStarsBlue : int;
var zoeStarsGreen : int;
var kimStarsGreen : int;
var zoeStarsRed : int;
var kimStarsRed : int;
var zoeStarsCon1 : int;
var kimStarsCon1 : int;
var totalYellowStars : int;
var totalBlueStars : int;
var totalGreenStars : int;
var totalRedStars : int;
var seesaw : GameObject;
// GUI Junk: ////////////////////////////////////////////
var bWidth1 : float = 10; //size of game GUI boxes
var bHeight1 : float = 15;
var sWidth1 : float = 10; //position of game GUI Textures
var sHeight1 : float = 10;
var sWidth2 : float = 10;
var sHeight2 : float = 10;
var sWidth3 : float = 10;
var sHeight3 : float = 10;
var sWidth4 : float = 10;
var sHeight4 : float = 10;
var sWidth5 : float = 10;
var sHeight5 : float = 10;
var enableGameGUI : boolean = true;
var enableCounterGUI : boolean = false;
var bWidth2 : float = 10; //size of counter GUI boxes
var bHeight2 : float = 15;
var yellowWidth1 : float = 10; //position of counter GUI Textures
var yellowHeight1 : float = 10;
var blueWidth2 : float = 10;
var blueHeight2 : float = 10;
var greenWidth3 : float = 10;
var greenHeight3 : float = 10;
var redWidth4 : float = 10;
var redHeight4 : float = 10;
var yellowStarsNeeded : int;
var blueStarsNeeded : int;
var greenStarsNeeded : int;
var redStarsNeeded : int;
var jumpsLeft : int;
var maxJumps : int;
var gooeyTextYellow : GUIStyle;
var gooeyTextBlue : GUIStyle;
var gooeyTextGreen : GUIStyle;
var gooeyTextRed : GUIStyle;
var gooeyJumpsLeft : GUIStyle;
var gooeyTextYellow2 : GUIStyle;
var gooeyTextBlue2 : GUIStyle;
var gooeyTextGreen2 : GUIStyle;
var gooeyTextRed2 : GUIStyle;
var gooeyTick : GUIStyle;
var gooeyCross : GUIStyle;
var yellowSuccess : boolean;
var blueSuccess : boolean;
var greenSuccess : boolean;
var redSuccess : boolean;
function Awake () {
seesaw = gameObject.Find("JumpManager");
zoe = gameObject.Find("P1");
kim = gameObject.Find("P2");
jumpsLeft = -2;
maxJumps = 2;
if (Application.loadedLevelName == "sceneTest")
enableGameGUI = true;
enableCounterGUI = false;
totalYellowStars = 0;
totalBlueStars = 0;
totalGreenStars = 0;
totalRedStars = 0;
yellowStarsNeeded = 100;
blueStarsNeeded = 100;
greenStarsNeeded = 100;
redStarsNeeded = 100;
if (Application.loadedLevelName == "Star Counter")
enableGameGUI = false;
enableCounterGUI = true;
function Update () {
totalYellowStars = (zoeStarsYellow + kimStarsYellow);
totalBlueStars = (zoeStarsBlue + kimStarsBlue);
totalGreenStars = (zoeStarsGreen + kimStarsGreen);
totalRedStars = (zoeStarsRed + kimStarsRed);
if (jumpsLeft >= maxJumps)
loadStarCounter ();
//Application.LoadLevel ("Star Counter");
print ("End Of Level");
if (enableCounterGUI == true)
if (totalYellowStars >= yellowStarsNeeded)
yellowSuccess = true;
yellowSucess = false;
function OnGUI () {
if (enableGameGUI == true)
GUI.Label (Rect (Screen.width/sWidth1, Screen.height/sHeight1, Screen.height/bHeight1, Screen.height/bHeight1), totalYellowStars.ToString() + "/" + yellowStarsNeeded.ToString(), gooeyTextYellow);
GUI.Label (Rect (Screen.width/sWidth2, Screen.height/sHeight2, Screen.height/bHeight1, Screen.height/bHeight1), totalBlueStars.ToString() + "/" + blueStarsNeeded, gooeyTextBlue);
GUI.Label (Rect (Screen.width/sWidth3, Screen.height/sHeight3, Screen.height/bHeight1, Screen.height/bHeight1), totalGreenStars.ToString() + "/" + greenStarsNeeded, gooeyTextGreen);
GUI.Label (Rect (Screen.width/sWidth4, Screen.height/sHeight4, Screen.height/bHeight1, Screen.height/bHeight1), totalRedStars.ToString() + "/" + redStarsNeeded, gooeyTextRed);
GUI.Label (Rect (Screen.width/sWidth5, Screen.height/sHeight5, Screen.height/bHeight1, Screen.height/bHeight1), jumpsLeft.ToString() + "/" + maxJumps.ToString(), gooeyJumpsLeft);
if (enableCounterGUI == true)
GUI.Label (Rect (Screen.width/yellowWidth1, Screen.height/yellowHeight1, Screen.height/bHeight1, Screen.height/bHeight1), "Yellow Stars: " + totalYellowStars.ToString() + "/" + yellowStarsNeeded.ToString(), gooeyTextYellow2);
GUI.Label (Rect (Screen.width/blueWidth2, Screen.height/blueHeight2, Screen.height/bHeight1, Screen.height/bHeight1), "Blue Stars: " + totalBlueStars.ToString() + "/" + blueStarsNeeded, gooeyTextBlue2);
GUI.Label (Rect (Screen.width/greenWidth3, Screen.height/greenHeight3, Screen.height/bHeight1, Screen.height/bHeight1), "Green Stars: " + totalGreenStars.ToString() + "/" + greenStarsNeeded, gooeyTextGreen2);
GUI.Label (Rect (Screen.width/redWidth4, Screen.height/redHeight4, Screen.height/bHeight1, Screen.height/bHeight1), "Red Stars: " + totalRedStars.ToString() + "/" + redStarsNeeded, gooeyTextRed2);
if (yellowSuccess == true)
GUI.Label (Rect (Screen.width/yellowWidth1, Screen.height/yellowHeight1, Screen.height/bHeight1, Screen.height/bHeight1), " " ,gooeyTick);
GUI.Label (Rect (Screen.width/yellowWidth1, Screen.height/yellowHeight1, Screen.height/bHeight1, Screen.height/bHeight1), " ", gooeyCross);
function loadStarCounter ()
enableGameGUI = false;
enableCounterGUI = true;
Application.LoadLevel ("Star Counter");