DontDestroyOnLoad reset the gameobject


I’m having a flappy bird kind of game. I would like to have previous score shown on the screen when I die and start it all over. Somehow I don’t manage to do so. However the best scores shows at it should (and all the other text element).

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class GameControlScript : MonoBehaviour 
    public Text scoreText;                    
    public GameObject gameOvertext;               
    public Text lastScoreText;
    public Text bestScoreText;

int bestScore = 0;
int score = 0; 
bool isGameOver = false;                             

void Awake()
    bestScore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("best", 0);

void Update()
    //if the game is over and the player has pressed some input...
    if (isGameOver && Input.anyKey) 
        //...start a new game.
    bestScoreText.text = "Best: " + bestScore;

public void Scored()
    scoreText.text = "Score: " + score;

public Died()
    gameOvertext.SetActive (true);
    isGameOver = true;

    lastScoreText.text = "LAST: " + score;

    //check if high scored
    if (score >= bestScore)
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("best", score);


Then again I have an extra script for lastScoreText only which is named NoDestroy:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class NoDestroy : MonoBehaviour {
   void Awake (){
      DontDestroyOnLoad (this.gameObject);

but it still reset my “last score” when I restart the level. I don’t know why, but appreciate if someone could help me. I have also tried to put empty gameobject and place lastScoreText there, but the results are same. So the question is: How I can modify the code so it won’t reset my lastScoreText when restarting the level?

Well your best score is using player prefs to save the score to the registry.
So do the same with your last score?

public class GameControlScript : MonoBehaviour 
   int lastScore = 0;
void Awake()
   lastScore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("last", 0);
public Died()
    gameOvertext.SetActive (true);
    isGameOver = true;
    lastScoreText.text = "LAST: " + lastScore;
    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("last", score);
    //check if high scored
    if (score >= bestScore)
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("best", score);