DOOM "E1M1" Level Recreated in Style! Webplayer + 10-Part Video Tutorial

Hi everyone! Recently, I asked the ProBuilder community “What would make a good tutorial series?” Re-creating the iconic “E1M1” level from DOOM was top of the list, and hadn’t been done yet (in Unity), so I dived in and started working! Building up the level was a great experience for me, and using UFPS Camera with ProBuilder made for an awesome power-combo :smile: Even semi-complex items like player damage, texture-based footsteps, elevators, doors, etc- UFPS makes it dead-simple!

I really hope the end result is something everyone can enjoy- especially those with the same nostalgia :slight_smile: Building and playing this brought back great memories of sitting at the old “486” with that clunky keyboard, and no mouse…

Webplayer: HD or Pixel-icious!

“Slap a few shells into your shotgun”, and give the webplayer a try! There are two versions, one that uses the cool “Pixellator” image effect, and the other in full HD glory:
Play the “HD” Version or Play the “Pixelicious” Version

Complete 10-Part Video Tutorial Series

Now, the part that REALLY took time, effort, and far more work than expected, was the complete, start-to-finish, 10-part video tutorial series that details the entire process! Through this series, I go over everything from building and texturing, to lighting and optimizing, and even how to setup doors, elevators, triggers, slime pit damage, and more. I sincerely hope this will be a big help to anyone looking for an all-inclusive, detailed, in-depth level design and construction tutorial series.

Directly below is the “Intro” video, and I have linked to each of the 10 other videos just below that. Enjoy, and please let me know if you have any thoughts, comments, or suggestions! This was my first full-length tutorial series, learning as I go, there will certainly be more to come :slight_smile:

E1M1 Tutorial: Intro

E1M1 Part 1: Floors

E1M1 Part 2: Walls

E1M1 Part 3: Ceilings

E1M1 Part 4: Colorizing

E1M1 Part 5: Texturing

E1M1 Part 6: Doors

E1M1 Part 7: Collision Volumes

E1M1 Part 8: Optimizing with Umbra Occlusion

E1M1 Part 9: Slime Pits, Triggers, Elevators

E1M1 Part 10: Lighting

E1M1: Outro

Screenshots, hurray!

Thanks for viewing, looking forward to feedback on the tutorials and level!
(but for now, it’s 5am, and I need to sleep…)


This is simply amazing. I have been following the development of this from the beginning and it is amazing what ProBuilder can do and how fast it can do it too. Great work and awesome dedication to your work! Keep it up :slight_smile:

Thanks GTSphere, appreciate it! :slight_smile:

Cool, but I have just a small critique:
How about adding arrow key movement controls? A lot of us left handed mouse users prefer arrow keys for the same reason righties prefer wasd. It’s more comfortable to play with your hands further apart.

Another thing, how the heck do you open doors? I tried every key,the 1st door door wouldn’t open.

Thanks for the comments - you can use “F” to open doors. I’ll add that to the top! I’ll look into arrow keys as well.

The music… its in my head.

The only cure is to go play some DOOM :wink:

Interesting stat: 202 clicks on “Pixelicious” version, vs only 41 on the “HD” version.

Well, we know what we want.

So it seems- I had expected, actually, people to see the “pixelized” version as somewhat gimmicky, ha, and be more interested in the “HD” version. Good to know, since I found myself really liking the pixelized look as well :slight_smile:

I prefer the HD version.
But my taste usually goes against the majority.

Heh, good to know somebody does! All those HD textures weren’t easy to setup. But they will be once the big “UV/Texturing Update” is done! :slight_smile:

This the right link to the textures?

Ah, shoot, I forgot to add that to the official message up top, thanks for reminding me.

Full credit for the great HD textures goes to the fine folks at:

Freelanzer (

Many, many thanks to the these talented artists for re-making the original DOOM textures in HD, and making those textures available to all.

Amazing guys. I’ve been following (and also purchased) ProBuilder for a long while - haven’t used it much, but from what I have I love it

Thanks cjke! It’s been great from this side as well, keeping development moving steadily forward and building the tools up to something everyone can benefit from.

Hopefully we’ll see you in this contest? :slight_smile:

I also have probuilder, it’s a great tool! Thanks for these tutorials.

My only critique, and I don’t know if you talk about it during the videos, is the choice to make the sky orange.

From the Doom wiki:

“In Doom, Phobos is depicted with Earth-like gravity, a thick atmosphere, and tall, seemingly vegetation-covered mountains; the sky texture for the episode was derived from a photograph taken of Yangshuo Cavern in China.”

That greyish, foggy sky in the original was cool. It made the air feel damp and cold. The contrast of going from inside to outside was that much starker with the light sky.

It’s not a big deal, but the way the sky is orange with those sun shafts coming through the grates, makes them look more like orange lights.

Oh, and I like the pixellated version better :slight_smile:

Ahg, I completely forgot to finish the skybox! Maybe I’ll try to go back and fix that up. Good catch :wink:

Cutting the Edge?
Where is the tool for cutting the edge, editing edges
I have the new beta installed, but still cannot find the tool.
I am trying to recreate what you did here in your videos
Thanks from Chris.

To cut between edges, select them, then hit “ALT-E”.

What version do you have? The public release is now up-to-date with the Beta, at v2.2.5f5