Hi everyone! Recently, I asked the ProBuilder community “What would make a good tutorial series?” Re-creating the iconic “E1M1” level from DOOM was top of the list, and hadn’t been done yet (in Unity), so I dived in and started working! Building up the level was a great experience for me, and using UFPS Camera with ProBuilder made for an awesome power-combo Even semi-complex items like player damage, texture-based footsteps, elevators, doors, etc- UFPS makes it dead-simple!
I really hope the end result is something everyone can enjoy- especially those with the same nostalgia Building and playing this brought back great memories of sitting at the old “486” with that clunky keyboard, and no mouse…
Webplayer: HD or Pixel-icious!
“Slap a few shells into your shotgun”, and give the webplayer a try! There are two versions, one that uses the cool “Pixellator” image effect, and the other in full HD glory:
Play the “HD” Version or Play the “Pixelicious” Version
Complete 10-Part Video Tutorial Series
Now, the part that REALLY took time, effort, and far more work than expected, was the complete, start-to-finish, 10-part video tutorial series that details the entire process! Through this series, I go over everything from building and texturing, to lighting and optimizing, and even how to setup doors, elevators, triggers, slime pit damage, and more. I sincerely hope this will be a big help to anyone looking for an all-inclusive, detailed, in-depth level design and construction tutorial series.
Directly below is the “Intro” video, and I have linked to each of the 10 other videos just below that. Enjoy, and please let me know if you have any thoughts, comments, or suggestions! This was my first full-length tutorial series, learning as I go, there will certainly be more to come
E1M1 Tutorial: Intro
E1M1 Part 1: Floors
E1M1 Part 2: Walls
E1M1 Part 3: Ceilings
E1M1 Part 4: Colorizing
E1M1 Part 5: Texturing
E1M1 Part 6: Doors
E1M1 Part 7: Collision Volumes
E1M1 Part 8: Optimizing with Umbra Occlusion
E1M1 Part 9: Slime Pits, Triggers, Elevators
E1M1 Part 10: Lighting
E1M1: Outro
Screenshots, hurray!
Thanks for viewing, looking forward to feedback on the tutorials and level!
(but for now, it’s 5am, and I need to sleep…)