I tried opening doors with GameObject Arrays and what happend is when I tried open a door it didnt open but instead another door opened which is also in the array and I wasnt even trying to open it.
I think this is a stupid question, but I dont know how to get the door open which I am aiming at.
#pragma strict
private var isOpen : boolean = false;
var doorOpenSound : AudioClip[];
var doorCloseSound : AudioClip[];
private var object_door : GameObject[];
var object_door_tagged : GameObject[];
var i:int=0;
var rayLenght = 10;
function Start(){
object_door = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("DoorDefault");
for(object_door in object_door_tagged){
} }
function Update(){
var hit : RaycastHit; var fwd = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward); if(Physics.Raycast(transform.position, fwd, hit, rayLenght)){ if(hit.collider.gameObject.tag == “DoorDefault”){ Debug.Log(“Door hit”); if(Input.GetButtonDown(“Interaction”) && isOpen == false){ object_door_tagged*.animation.Play(“door_wood_open”);*
} Also when I click on the door I add all the objects from that door into an array, I think its because Im calling that array every frame, but i dont know if i can do it in start function or is there a way for update function to not add the objects that are already in the array.
You shouldn’t do that like this! You should use a fairly advanced but simple concept called an interface!
It works like this:
You raycast (like you have done) forwards, but instead of checking the tag you should get every single script on this object. Do that like this:
foreach(var script in hit.gameObject.GetComponents<MonoBehaviour>()) {
//Do something to every script attached to hit object
Now you need to check if this is indeed a door. But first we need to decide what is a door and not. Create two new scripts. One called Door and one called IDoor. IDoor should be an interface. An interface should contain any variables that are required for a door. Long story short, write this in your IDoor:
public interface IDoor { //Replace the "class" with interface and remove the " : MonoBehaviour"
void ChangeDoorState(); //Any script 'implementing' this interface MUST contain this function!
And then write something like this for your door:
public class Door : MonoBehaviour, IDoor { //You need to implement the IDoor interface by adding , IDoor behind MonoBehaviour!
public void IDoor.ChangeDoorState() { //Since Door implements IDoor: Door must have a void called ChangeDoorState that is public!
//If door is closed, open
//Else, close
Why you should do this might not seem very clear right now, but what you now can do inside your raycast and foreach statement is this:
foreach(var script in hit.gameObject.GetComponents<MonoBehaviour>()) {
//Do this for every script attached to hit.gameObject
if(script is IDoor) { //If the script were checking implements IDoor
(script as IDoor).ChangeDoorState(); //Since it is an IDoor, we know it must have a function called ChangeDoorState!
I havent tested this code, but as long as you attach the door script to a door this should work very nicely!