DotNetty UDP problem.

The DotNetty TCP is working correctly for my previous apps.
I tried UDP these days. And I found that it’s not working correctly in Unity.

It’s working correctly in normal console app of C#. But it’s not working with Unity. The DotNetty code is included with .cs files for easily debugging. The case number is 1223903.


I changed this to the code below to limit it to ipv4. It will work. Does it mean that Unity is incompatible with ipv6?

.ChannelFactory(() => new SocketDatagramChannel(AddressFamily.InterNetwork))

It’s working correctly with the normal C# Console App. Both are run in Windows 10 x64. But the normal C# Console App is working. In Unity, it’s not. So I think it’s a bug of Mono from Unity.
Here’s the code and the binary in ConsoleApplication1\bin\Debug\ConsoleApplication1.exe. Run and wait. You will see that the error won’t occur with normal C# Console App. So it’s absolutely a bug of Unity.