DotRecast - a port of Recast & Detour, navigation mesh toolset for games, Unity3D, servers, C#


I’ve ported Mikko’s Recast Navigation to C#. I referenced various existing ports. It took a lot of time, but I finally completed the port. It works in Unity3D as well since it supports .Net Standard 2.1!

If you encounter any bugs while using it, please let me know at any time.
I hope it’s helpful to everyone!

ps. for C# server!!

- GitHub - ikpil/DotRecast: DotRecast - a port of Recast & Detour, Industry-standard navigation mesh toolset for .NET, C#, Unity3D, games, servers



Thanks so much for doing and releasing this!
We had been using Unitys navmesh system for years but had a couple of problems with it.
We’ve given your port a try and had it running within a few hours, without encountering any issues so far, and it has resolved the problems we had with Unitys system. Super good and very helpful!

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I am building a game server, MMORPG (Lot of scenes and mobs, approx. 600 mobs per scene) and I think, I will have a problem in the limitation of Crowd Manager. Any suggestions? Thank you!

There are various methods, but a few come to mind:

  • The first approach is to implement it directly.

  • I used this method because I have a lot of monsters.

  • Another approach is to use a Crowd Manager with partitioning.

  • If the partitions are well-defined, you can even run it with multiple threads.

  • As of my last coding and testing, You can simulate 600 agents without any difficulty.

  • Please check in the Demo’s Crowd Agent Profile.


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Please let me know if there are any issues!

Unity의 오류로 인해 전체 내용이 손실되었습니다.
ConvexVolumnTool, TestNavmeshTool, GameObject, nav_test에 대한 Script name?

연결은 다음과 같습니다.

nav_test → resources/nav_test.obj
GameObject → UniRcNavMeshSuface
ConvexVolumnTool → UniRcConvexVolumeTool
TestNavmeshTool → UniRcTestNavMeshTool



Great work, thank you!