DOTS Editor 0.10.0-preview Release

This is a major patch release that is mostly just version bumps on the dependencies for this package. A small performance fix for the Systems window and QOL changes were included.

Note: In Unity 2020.1, DOTS related packages are not shown in the Package Manager. You must now initially add this package (“com.unity.dots.editor”: “0.10.0-preview”) in the project manifest file (Packages/manifest.json).


  • Entities window: improve change detector performance
  • Entities window: add specific view when no world exists
  • Systems window: add specific view when no world exists
  • Updated package com.unity.entities to 0.14.0-preview.18
  • Updated package to 0.5.0-preview.14
  • Updated package to 1.4.3-preview
  • Updated package to 1.4.3-preview
  • Updated package com.unity.serialization to 1.4.3-preview
  • Updated package com.unity.test-framework.performance to 2.3.1-preview


  • Systems window: remove unnecessary code running after the window is closed

Our previous version patch notes here: DOTS Editor 0.9.0-preview Release


Any updates coming?
DOTS Editor is great and needed, I just wish it would be on the same feature-parity as the Entity-Debugger.

Regarding the huge entities list problem.
Have you ever thought about plotting entities as 2d fields?


Hi @raymondyunity . There is very serious performance drop issue inspecting Entities Window when keep adding and removing component to like every frame. Your game will becomes super slow. Is there any plan to fix this issue?


@optimise Thanks for the feedback. We are aware that the performances for the Entities Window are not yet where we want them to be, and we will definitely be working on that aspect moving forward. In fact, work has already started on that front and we hope to incrementally and consistently improve performances with each release, until the package gets out of experimental.

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Awesome. Another thing I also want to mention. I also hope System Window able to display full system name with class name that is wrapped into a class just like how currently Entity Debugger able to display.

DOTS Editor throws compile errors when you enable


Due to

Library\PackageCache\com.unity.dots.editor@0.11.0-preview.3\Editor\Inspector\EntityInspectorContext.cs(78,47): error CS0453: The type ‘T’ must be a non-nullable value type in order to use it as parameter ‘T’ in the generic type or method ‘EntityManager.GetComponentData(Entity)’

Library\PackageCache\com.unity.dots.editor@0.11.0-preview.3\Editor\Inspector\EntityInspectorContext.cs(91,47): error CS0453: The type ‘T’ must be a non-nullable value type in order to use it as parameter ‘T’ in the generic type or method ‘EntityManager.GetChunkComponentData(Entity)’

I think these need to be conditionally compiled out

Thanks for the feedback. We have a fix ready for the upcoming release.

One suggestion for a feature.
It would be nice, if you can enable source code navigation from a system entry (in DOTS > Systems Window and in Entity Debugger > Systems). E.g. a double click (or via a context menu) on a system, should open the system source code in the IDE (Rider, VSCode or VS)

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It would be great if we could get the ‘Properties…’ option from a right click context menu in the Entities window that opens a new locked inspector instance focused on that entity.
Currently the inspector lock does nothing for entities so you can’t even set this up manually the old fashioned way

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Please correct me if that feature already exists but would it be possible to select a component and see all read and write operations on that component in the order of the operations? I sometimes have scenarios when debugging where I have to disable my systems one by one to see what modified a component.

Great job with the entities inspector by the way. The search functionality already saved me so much time.

The feature exists to an extent. There’s a C# file icon at the right corner of the detailed portion when a System is selected in the Systems window. This icon only appears when the asset file matches the system name.

Dual inspector support is not available in 0.10.0-preview of DOTS Editor or 0.16.0-preview of Entities package. It is supported in the next version, upcoming 0.17-preview of Entities and 0.12.0-preview of DOTS Editor packages.

This feature does not exist but we are aware of debugging entities when component data is changed. It is not the top priority currently but it is on the list of challenges when it comes to DOTS debugging.

Thank you for the feedback and stay tuned for an update soon with exciting changes.


There’s a feature called Logic Flow Map should solve this hard problem that I know it’s being working on since 2018. Can I know the current state of this feature?



Absolutely can’t wait for this feature, even if it’s just to look at the craziness of all my systems and trying to figure out unnecessary/unexpected dependencies :roll_eyes::slight_smile:

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So…that picture is from a very dated workshop/experiment we did internally in 2017. It may have been mentioned in a Unite talk (I suspect that’s where you got the screenshot) but any plans around such a feature have not really materialized since.

That said, we are actively working on presenting Systems and their relationships better in the Editor. We will not be using graphs to do this for the first few versions, but graphs are not ruled out for the future.

For the curious, with the understanding that this was a one-off experiment in 2017, here’s the full video behind that screenshot. We’d still like to know if there’s something interesting in this video that you feel still applies today (a lot has changed in DOTS since 2017).


Maybe I have missed a very obvious thing, but is it possible to find an entity by index?

I often use it for debugging (the entity index to check for collisions or similar), but haven’t found a way to search for that specific entity with the index number.

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