DOTS, I have a problem mixing the ECS render system and default render system

I’m currently using the ECS way of rendering; RenderMesh and LocalToWorld components on the entities that I want to render. But I just come across a problem when I try to also use the default unity render system(default game objects with mesh filter and mesh renderers) on top of the ECS render system.
This is my situation: I have a Game Object between the camera and a rendering entity

|___|==> …[°°°] …O
camera …Gameobject…Entity

Even tho the game object is closer to the camera than the entity, the entity is drawn on top of the Game Object and not otherwise.
I don’t know if these two rendering systems are incompatible or that this undesired behaviour is a result of a mistake of my own. If you know any suggestion I would love to hear it.

I just figured that this only occurs when the Game Object material has some transparency.
But I can’t think of the reason why it happens.

Hmm that’s weird. If you’re sure that it’s not your fault (check your 2 materials renderqueue, your positioning, your layers in case you use multiple cameras and z depth etc), then you should submit a bug report. Then wait for a fix for a long time or use one of the approaches above to get around it