DOTween and Unity physics conflicts

I’m trying to move an object by rigidbody.DOTween(endPoint.transform.position, duration). But Unity physics and DOTween conflicts here. My moving game object has a rigidbody ticked “use gravity”. There is a floor under the object. Object is higher than the floor and endPoint game object is front of my moving object and endPoint also has the height of floor. My moving game objects doesnt fall like normal (falls slower) and it is passing through the floor (both has colliders). What can i do to fix this issue? What is the issue?

Moving a dynamic rigidbody via anything but forces bypasses the physics simulation and will lead to non-physical behaviour.

In short: you can’t tween physics objects. Best you could try is to accomplish this by adding forces every fixed update. Or make the rigidbody kinematic so that it doesn’t get affected by forces but still triggers collisions.

So much thanks:) have a greate day:)