DOTween (HOTween v2), a Unity tween engine

Oh my goodness. That is exactly the issue. When I SetEase on the individual Tweener it works as expected. Works with an AnimationCurve, a custom EaseFunction, and of course the built-in DOTween Ease types.

Thank you so very much for the assist; I’ve been feeling insane over here for a bit.

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Glad you got it figured out. Happy to help

Hi, i’ve got a weird bug where if the game window isn’t “fullscreen” (the one you get when pressing shift + space over the window) translation tweens don’t work.

Yt video fo the bug

Even when reverting to previous commits of the proyect where it all worked, now it doesn’t.

Note i’m using DoJump to move the player, but when it’s not fullscreen, it waits the animation time and then teleports the player to the new position. This also happens with all the translation based tweens.

Update: I checked if it worked in build, well… it’s even worse, now it seems as if the jump gets cut at the highest point or something similar since the player always goes up even when pressing down.

Yt video of the bug in build mode