DOTween OnComplete sometimes not working

I’m using dotween’s DoMoveY to float some texts. Here’s code I’m using

public void FloatText(Vector3 pos, int num, int type)
        var obj = PoolManager.Instance.Get(floatingTextPoolKey);
        obj.transform.position = pos + (Vector3) Random.insideUnitCircle.normalized * .2f;
        obj.GetComponent<TextMeshPro>().text = num.ToString();
        obj.transform.DOMoveY(obj.transform.position.y + .1f, .2f).onComplete += (() => PoolManager.Instance.Pool(obj));

Problem is, sometimes DoMoveY’s OnComplete callback does not work(like 30% chance), even when the object has stopped moving. It just won’t work. I tried to change the Y value but it didn’t work either.
Unity version is 2020.3.5f1 and DOTween version is 1.2.632. Any help would be grateful. Thanks in advance.

Facing the same issue in unity 2022. Any luck finding a solution?

What metric are you using to decide it isn’t working? The code above looks like it puts the object back in some kind of pool via that .onComplete delegate, but I don’t see it removing the DOTween controller.

I haven’t used DOTween in a while but I seem to remember that a completed tweener stays until you explicitly remove it.