Hi fellow devs,
I’ve been working for a few months on a project with a coop feature, and everything is working about the multiplayer but two things, that are linked so 1 big issue, and i spent days and days trying to fix it but it’s still there.
The issue is that if I click anywhere on the screen when UI buttons are on, as i have 2 Event Systems in my scene to get the player inputs work separetely, both Event Systems in the scene lose focus on the current selected button they were on, whatever if none of the 2 players is using Keyboard and Mouse as inputs or not.
Also when a UI button get clicked with the mouse, if the button clicked has a OnClick() event or PointerClick event, it gets clicked twice. (Only 1 field in the InputManager is using “mouse 0”, the same way any other buttons are used)
The way i’m trying to get this working is : If one of the two players is using Keyboard and Mouse as inputs, only 1 EventSystem is triggered when mouseClick, on buttons or anywhere and clicking anywhere does not affect the other player’s event system current selection.
Any ideas to explore could save my project,
Thanks !