[doubt] Unity GUI Label with draw texture

Hey guys i want to know how i can make this



Hold F to Pick- up

but replacing the F for one image like the image above

I’ve the images but i dont know how i can put in the screen

i am making that this way

GUI.skin.label.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
GUI.Label(new Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height),"Hold:<color=#47B2B2> F </color> to pick-up the item");

Thanks in advance

You could use the new UI (if your project is 4.6=> ),
Add Canvas, then Panel, then under it image and text.

Good Idea guy but no have other way to make this with the old UI system

if no i’ll try learn the new UI

Thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

no one ?