Download and save .ogg - Files


I’m downloading .ogg files from a folder on my web account using www - class.
Is there a way to save the files onto disc.
Theres no need of converting, manipulating or streaming the files, just saving for later use.

You should be able to use WWW.bytes to get the data, and write that to a file using something like File.WriteAllBytes.

Thank you Jonas

With your help I got the following solution, wich seems to work fine.
For WIN we have to change / to .…

var fileStream : FileStream;
//creating a folder for the Files
var pathToAudioData : String = "ThePathWithFolderName";
if (!Directory.Exists (pathToAudioData)){
  Directory.CreateDirectory (pathToAudioData);

var url: String = "";
var request : WWW = new WWW (url);
yield  request;
File.WriteAllBytes(pathToAudioData+"/"+"xy.ogg", request.bytes);