hello , can i download assets in assets store illegal from sites and put it in my game without paying for assets, and if i put it what will happen to me and my game , Thanks!
Technically: yes, practically: of course not.
People constantly violate the assetstore terms by uploading their project which contains paid assets to sites like Github where they make everything available to the public. By doing that they already violate the terms because they re-distribute the asset in asset-form which is not allowed. By copying clearly illegal material without having a license is of course illegal.
What will happen? That depends on many factors. First of all do you actually publish your game? If you do the actual right owner can possible find your game (or might be informed by others). He can take legal actions against you. So you can be sued for using illegal content. Depending on the “damage” you caused he might additionally sued you for reperations. If you make money with those assets it’s the worse thing you can do. If you’re unlucky and get caught it can completely screw up your life.
Just Don’t