My project is build from multiple scenes and I want the players to be able to use it both online and offline and reducing the app size.
Right now when I download the app all the scenes are included but I want the players to be able to download(when downloading my app) only the main scene and from the main scene to load the scene they want using internet. Also they should be able to download a scene for offline use.
I m building my app for both android and iOS. I ve tested my app on android devices creating an apk.
I didn t create an app using internet before so please be as clear as possible. Thanks.
What you’ll need to do is look into assetbundles with scenes. That will allow you to store the levels on a server somewhere and download them when needed.
Unless your levels are all built from the same basic mechanics (like a puzzle game) then you might just be able to store some data somewhere that helps build the level when needed.