Download Scene in background


I can not find solution after 2 days of experiments.

What it the problem :

I need to download Scene that is marked as Addressable in the background, while player plays other level.

Because my scenes are about 30-50mb it is not desirable for me to make players wait every time.

I need to download scene like a plain Addressables gameobject, that can be loaded after, somewhere in game, but it is already downloaded on mobile and is ready to use.

With :



The Result and Result.Scene return null

Please help.


It’s a separate API for scenes. You can also call Addressables.DownloadDependenciesAsync(address) to just download in the background without loading into memory, then call LoadSceneAsync when you need it.

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The problem with LoadSceneAsync is that it loads scene after downloading process and also don’t want to use SceneInstance.activateOnLoad.

I will try DownloadDependenciesAsync. Seems it will solve my problem.

Thank you very much

ProtoTerminator, It works with “DownloadDependenciesAsync

Thank you !!