Downloading unity package to the game and instantiate it ?

How can i download a unity package(which i uploaded) from a https site to the game for Android ??

I need to download it and instantiate in the game…I followed using WWW but getting errors and unable to download…

“Error when creating request. POST request with a zero-sized post buffer is not supported”

Am following the ref from WWWForm

Is my approach is correct or please suggest me…

I hope you are trying to load the packages at run time so that you can reduce the build size or release a update for the game from certain url itslef. In that case take a look at asset bundles page .

I guess exported packages cannot be read at run time anyway. Other than than what ever you are trying is correct, you have to use WWW or WWWform class to fetch. Additionally you can save it to local, if it is not webplayer, using File class or any other similar stream class . Check the asset bundle page i have mentioned above to use them in game.

this is how you can create asset bundles… AssetBundleCreator copy this script to a file named AssetBundleCreator and place it inside a folder named Editor. After that select all the assets u want to export and use one option from “Asset Bundle Creator” menu.