I am using Unity 2022.3.41 and the New Input System. Controller support works fine on all platforms, including SteamDeck, except for one specific issue: the D-Pad does not work at all on SteamDeck. All other controls work fine.
I have Steamworks .NET set up with the correct app ID. In Steamworks → Application → Steam Input, I set the Default Configuration to Generic Gamepad.
Has anyone else encountered this issue and know how to fix it?
Is this just for UI navigation or in general?
I was having issues with it not working for UI navigation when testing my game on my Steam Deck as well. Changing the action type for ‘Navigate’ from Pass-Through to Value seemed to fix it.
Though the system started having a winge and would start printing warnings for it, saying Pass-through is required for UI navigation to work… but seemed fine to me. Changing the name of the Action Map from ‘UI’ to something like ‘UserInterface’ then shut it up.
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Thank you sooo much! This worked!
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