Drag and Drop Help

I’m looking to create a drag and drop interface, similar to common inventory systems. It would have the ability to drag icons from one window to another, snap to a position and have the icons themselves clickable buttons. Also, other options, like checking to see if the various icons are allowed in certain slots (can’t put a helmet on your foot).

A lot to ask, I know. I did some looking around, and found this:
as well as the beginning of an explanation:

But the last update was about 5 months ago, and he never finished.

I’ll admit, this is a bit over my head; I’m not great at working with multi-dimensional arrays, but I can at least read his examples and understand what they’re doing.

Another thought, also, is would there be an alternative approach by using very small, custom, draggable windows, each with a single button inside them? I haven’t tried nesting windows yet, but it seems like a logical idea.

Anyway, at the very least, I’d like to get some discussion and collaboration started on this. It seems like a fairly common request without much coverage for it.

You may check this http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/45552-Diablo-style-game-in-Unity?highlight=Inventory+systems and also there is an demo you may download it http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/48229-RPG-Inventory-Source?highlight=Inventory

Thanks very much, cemC. I’ll check it out right away.

As a side note; Unity does not like nesting windows… I received a “Snapshot is Out of Sync” error…