when pres a game object need to load 7 token in the tray when finish 7 token then press the game object and load another 7 token randomly .there are 196 tokes some token repeat 2 time or 3 times any body can help me
when press gameobject
so when press button Thats part of GUI like
function OnGUI () {
if (GUI.Button (Rect (10,10,150,100), "I am a button")) {
print ("You clicked the button!");
create 196 objects and place them in an array
access the array with a random number
Random is in face the class that generates random numbers
create an instance of that object
so do 7 instantiate calls
set there spawn points etc.
Now if you have no idea what arrays are or GUI or don’t know javascript or C# or programming languages at all, you will need to spend a month learning the basics of C# so you can understand what things like functions are.
You can’t program without knowing a programming language and you cant create a game without knowing how to program
thank you for your way .in my game button is a object which is a token bag. so could you refer a js script document to me?