Drag and drop or load from awake?

I find the Editor to be kinda flaky with version control software. One person on the team makes one mistake that goes unnoticed and you risk breaking potentially every reference to everything. It has happened to me twice.

At this point everything thing is handled in Awake(). I’m going to have longer load times but at least I know it will work.

Anyone else do this as well, or have thoughts or solutions to the fragility of the editor?

I don’t have that problem. Google a good ignore file for Unity and your source control so you don’t include files that could hinder other developers, such as fines in the Library and Temp directories. You also want to make sure you check in changes to meta files, because it is very important they get shared. If you’re using perforce, make sure you check out the meta file to go along with any other files you check out.

It’s also strongly recommended that you go to [Edit → Project Settings → Editor Settings] and change the asset serialization mode to “Forced Text”. That way, you can see changes in the scene files as text, and it will be easier to handle conflicts in scene files. Without forced text mode, conflicts will be nearly impossible to resolve without losing work.

Done done and done. Being doing everything you prescribe for a while now.

To be clear, none of the issues are irreversible. It’s just that it takes a lot of time to fix them. So we want to avoid that stuff.