TLDL: How can I allow drag&drop of a custom ScriptableObject into the scene? (and spawn a GameObject with some component referencing it)
I’m creating a volume rendering plugin, where I want to allow users to import medical datasets in the editor (“.raw”, “.dcm”, etc.), and then drag&drop into the scene, similar to how you can import meshes.
The datasets are implemented as a ScriptableObject that I’m creating a ScriptedImporter for. Basically I want to let users drag & drop these into a scene, which should spawn a GameObject and add a custom component to it that references this ScriptableObject.
Is this possible? I could of course add a “spawn” button to my ScriptedImporterEditor, but it would be nicer if I could allow users to drag&drop into the scene. This seems to be how meshes work (Mesh is an Object, and when you drag&drop a GameObject containing a MeshFilter referencing this Mesh will be spawned).
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Never played with this sort of thing, but there seems to be a class in the Unity editor for this: Unity - Scripting API: DragAndDrop
Looks like you should be able to use AddDropHandler to register a scene drop handler, so perhaps you can use this to pick up when you drag your specific scriptable object and use that to instantiate your game object.
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That’ exactly what I needed! Thanks a lot
(will share the full solution afterwards)
And here’s the code, for anyone interested:
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityVolumeRendering
static class DragDropHandler
static void OnLoad()
private static DragAndDropVisualMode OnSceneDrop(Object dropUpon, Vector3 worldPosition, Vector2 viewportPosition, Transform parentForDraggedObjects, bool perform)
if (perform)
VolumeDataset datasetAsset = (VolumeDataset)DragAndDrop.objectReferences[0];
return DragAndDropVisualMode.Move;
private static DragAndDropVisualMode OnHierarchyDrop(int dropTargetInstanceID, HierarchyDropFlags dropMode, Transform parentForDraggedObjects, bool perform)
if (perform)
VolumeDataset datasetAsset = (VolumeDataset)DragAndDrop.objectReferences[0];
VolumeRenderedObject spawnedObject = VolumeObjectFactory.CreateObject(datasetAsset);
GameObject parentObject = (GameObject)EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(dropTargetInstanceID);
if (parentObject)
return DragAndDropVisualMode.Move;
There’s one handler for drag&drop into the scene view, and one for the hierarchy view (which attaches it to a parent).