Drag object in a circle path

Hello, I’m trying to rotate an object with mouse/touch input, like this

I need to hold the green circle, and drag it around 360 degrees, after which I output something.
The code I have now just mimics it.

 //Image Wheel = the white wheel, defined in inspector
 //Image Handle = the green handle which,while user touches it,sets isRotating to true
 //float rotAngle = current angle, 0 at start
 public void Update(){
            Wheel.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(rotAngle, Vector3.forward);
            rotAngle += 9f;

        if(rotAngle > 360){
            rotAngle = 0;
            Debug.Log("Full circle! / Points++");
        isRotating = true;
        isRotating = false;

It rotates the wheel while the player is holding the green handle. This creates an illusion that the player is actually dragging the handle and rotating the wheel.

But the problem I have is that if I try to rotate the wheel very fast, the mouse leaves the handle and it does not rotate. If I increase the rotAngle which is increased every update while the player is “spinning” the wheel, the action looks very choppy. If I decrease it, the action looks smooth but the player can’t rotate the wheel as fast.

Is there a way to move the green handle to the mouse/touch position,without leaving the circle path?

I’ve tried various answers to similar questions, which involved sin,cos,atan functions which I still don’t understand.

Thanks to @doublemax it’s working!
Here’s the code if anyone ever needs it in the future

public Image Wheel; //the thing you're trying to rotate
Vector2 dir;
float dist;
float check;

    void Update(){
    	//is rotating is set true if mouse is down on the handle
    	if (isRotating) {
    		//Vector from center to mouse pos
    		dir  =	(Input.mousePosition - Wheel.transform.position); 
    		//Distance between mouse and the center
    		dist =	Mathf.Sqrt (dir.x * dir.x + dir.y * dir.y); 

    		//if mouse is not outside nor too inside the wheel
    		if (dist < 350 && dist > 150) {
    			angle =	Mathf.Atan2(dir.x, dir.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; //alien technology
    			angle =	(angle > 0) ? angle : angle + 360; //0 to 360 instead of -180 to 180
    			//this if blocks going back or jumping too far
    			if ( ( angle<check && check-angle<90) || angle>350 ) {
    				check = angle;
    				Wheel.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis (angle, Vector3.back);
    				//Vector3.back for counter clockwise, Vector3.forward for clockwise..I think
    	//to confirm if it has passed full circle
    	if(angle > 160 && angle < 200){
    		checkPoint = true;
    	if(angle > 350 && checkPoint){
    		checkPoint = false;
    public void BeginDrag(){
    	isRotating = true;
    public void EndDrag(){
    	isRotating = false;

If anyone wants to see it working, check out my disaster at Github , no judging please :smiley:

Again, huge thanks to @doublemax !!!