hello Unity world i am a totally newbie, but convicted that everyone can learn
i want to build multiplayer drag racing game, just dont know where to start, i start making a test track then a car, then i fall down cause cant get that help in how to make garage and cars and how to make the gui working then i retry and same happen ( also tried to search for some assets wich could help, but nothing found about drag racing
my idea is to make a garage, arcade mode, and multiplayer
maybe you guys can give me some tips and how to start from?
Fist thing is to get the whole concept working with just cubes. A drag race is trivial, some straight terrain. A go button. A collider at the finish line to detect the winner.
i have some questions that would be simple to almost everyone that still blows my head
do you know where i can find some how to, or asset that makes GUI BUTTON? i already did the terrain and car working no idea how i can set the, 3 2 1 go start and finish checkpoint
Read/Watch the tutorials on the Unity UI that was new in 4.6. They’re not too tricky to get the hang of, and I personally feel it’s best to stick with a native solution than an asset, when possible.
What’s your comfort level with scripting? Because you’ll only get so far without being able to write code, I’m afraid…