Im a newbie, ive got a flat plane, how can i get it so that it is draggable by the user (but only on one axis, so its like 2D)
Im a newbie, ive got a flat plane, how can i get it so that it is draggable by the user (but only on one axis, so its like 2D)
Hi mookler,
These threads should set you in the right direction,
cheers mate
ive just read these threads and they do not answer what im looking to do… any ideas??
If you want the object to be selectable, you need to use Physics.Raycast to get a handle to the object under the cursor. Then check if Input.MouseButtonDown(0) and if it is modify one of the transform.position.<x,y,z> using Input.mousePosition.
Yes they do. Either you haven’t described properly what you need or you just haven’t sat down and tried to connect the information available in those threads. You’ll have to do some of the work on your own you know
Im sorry, im a newbie and simply dont understand, ive searched through the forum and the web, what im trying to do is get the drag rigid body script to only allow dragging in 2 dimensions…
any ideas??
I gather you have little or no programming experience since you didn’t combine the information linked into a solution? I would suggest start you start by studying javascript and then consult the wiki to learn unity-specific javascript and examine some existing scripts.