Hey, good evening everyone on UnityAnswers! :]
I’m currently stuck on a problem that I’ve been trying to fix since morning, and I haven’t found a solution since so I thought I’d pop by and post it up here. Let me post up the codes first:
class ActionButt { var toggle: String; //Name of custom style in GUI Skin var isSelected: boolean; //Is the Toggle button On or Off var label: String; var position: Rect; //Where to draw this button on the screen } //Variables var bt1: boolean = false; var bt2: boolean = false; var bt3: boolean = false; //var bt4: boolean = false; var bt5: boolean = false; var bt6: boolean = false; var bt7: boolean = false; var btGUI: boolean = false; //Boolean to call on the different GUI var btnTexture: Texture; var buttonList: ActionButt []; var toolSkin: GUISkin; var windowRect : Rect = Rect (20, 20, 120, 50); var dragWindow : boolean; var toggleDrag : String; //Functions function Start () { toggleDrag = "Enable"; dragWindow = false; } function setMeOnly(): boolean { bt1 = bt2 = bt3 = bt5 = bt6 = bt7 = false; return true; } function OnGUI() { //First GUI if (!btGUI) { GUI.skin = toolSkin; //Top Left Button bt1 = GUI.Toggle (Rect(50,50,100,100), bt1, ""); if (bt1) bt1 = setMeOnly(); //Bottom Right Button bt2 = GUI.Toggle (Rect(50,275,100,100), bt2, ""); if (bt2) bt2 = setMeOnly(); //Top Button bt3 = GUI.Toggle (Rect(50,500,100,100), bt3, ""); if (bt3) bt3 = setMeOnly(); //Middle Button //bt4 = GUI.Toggle (Rect(575,275,100,100), bt4, ""); //if (bt4) bt4 = setMeOnly(); //Top Right Button bt5 = GUI.Toggle (Rect(1125,50,100,100), bt5, ""); if (bt5) bt5 = setMeOnly(); //Bottom Button bt6 = GUI.Toggle (Rect(1125,275,100,100), bt6, ""); if (bt6) bt6 = setMeOnly(); //Bottom Left Button bt7 = GUI.Toggle (Rect(1125,500,100,100), bt7, ""); if (bt7) bt7 = setMeOnly(); //Button to Call //if (!btnTexture) { //Debug.LogError("Please assign a texture on the inspector."); //return; //} } if(GUI.Button (Rect(575,275,100,100), btnTexture, "Button")) { if (btGUI) { print("Call the second GUI."); btGUI = false; } else if (!btGUI) { print("Remain in the first GUI."); btGUI = true; } } //Second GUI if (btGUI) { GUI.skin = toolSkin; for (var i = 0; i < buttonList.length; i++) { var bt = buttonList*;*
> *
> bt.isSelected = GUI.Toggle(bt.position, bt.isSelected, bt.label);
> if (bt.isSelected)
> {
> print(“This butt is turned on.” + bt.label);
> resetOtherButtons(i);
> }
> *
> windowRect = GUI.Window (0, windowRect, DoMyWindow, btnTexture, toggleDrag);
> if (GUI.Button(Rect(80,380,100,30),toggleDrag)) {
> if (dragWindow) {
> dragWindow = false;
> toggleDrag = “Enable”;
> }
> else if (!dragWindow) {
> dragWindow = true;
> toggleDrag = “Disable”;
> }
> }
> }
> }
> }
> function resetOtherButtons (ignoreThisNumber)
> {
> for (var i = 0; i < buttonList.length; i++) {
> *
> if (i !=ignoreThisNumber) {
_> buttonList.isSelected = false;_
_> }_
_> }_
_> }_
_> // Make the contents of the window*_
> function DoMyWindow (windowID : int) {
> // Make a very long rect that is 20 pixels tall.
> // This will make the window be resizable by the top
> // title bar - no matter how wide it gets.
> if(dragWindow) {
> GUI.DragWindow (Rect (0,0, 10000, 10002)); }
> else {
> }
> }
Firstly, I have two GUI(s) which I could switch in between them. The second GUI contain 7 buttons that are formed in a hexagon manner, which I have done so from the Inspector Menu.
Next, I have a GUIWindow inside the second GUI which I referenced from the Documentations, and can only been seen inside the second GUI, and not the first GUI. There is an Enable/Disable to lock the GUIWindow from moving.
What I’m trying to achieve is to implement this feature upon my hexagon-patterned button so that when the enable/disable button is clicked, it will be able to either move or be locked respectively. Any ideas how I can achieve that?
Thank you for taking your time off to read this! :]