A circle or parabola, depending on what you need exactly, can be defined in 3D in several ways, but it always boils down to one basic thing: all points are contained within a plane.
To define a plane in 3D, you need its orientation in space, consider this image
This is called a surface normal, and it has a length of 1
Once you have this orientation (represented by a vector that is also known as a direction vector), then you need another point which describes the offset at which the plane must lie so that it contains this point. Imagine like a building with floors, all of them have the same orientation, but are parallel to each other, so this point is different to each one of them.
In the case of a building, its base plane would have orientation of Vector3.up and would contain point Vector3.zero.
The floor above it would have orientation of Vector3.up and would contain point (0, 1, 0) and so on.
Now, if you want a circle on this plane, this surface normal is your axis of rotation. Imagine if that point (x,y,z) on the image was used to revolve around the point (x0,y0,z0) on this plane. This is how you define a circle in 3D.
Same goes for parabola or any other 2D shape.
To arbitrarily rotate points that you know how to compute for XY plane (thus in 2D), so that they align with some plane in 3D space, you need a quaternion to describe this rotation.
The easiest way to compute this quaternion is to take two surface normals, one that belongs to your original 2D space (Vector3.back, an arrow that points to you), and the other is your plane’s surface normal. Quaternion.FromToRotation will give you the result. Apply the rotation to your point like so:
var rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.back, Vector3.up);
var point3d = rotation * (Vector3)point2d; // here you have to make sure that (x,y) -> (x,y,0)
The other way to compute the quaternion is by using Quaternion.AngleAxis, which considers the angle of rotation in degrees, and the axis of rotation. This is useful if you don’t know the plane, but you have a set angle instead. For example you want to rotate your 2D circle 45 degrees on the X axis, to get the 3D one.
var rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(45, Vector3.right);
var point3d = rotation * (Vector3)point2d;
Do not attempt to modify quaternions by hand, they use complex numbers and have nothing to do with angles.