Draw Call Batching - Extremely Confused


My other question regarding batching is located here

In terms of dynamic batching I am incredibly confused…

There is 1 Directional Light in my scene

My model is:

  • 48 faces
  • Not receiving or casting shadows
  • Using a material with the basic Diffuse texture
  • Has only a UV layout; no Lightmap etc
  • “normal” normals
  • Not UV overlapped

Is there anything that I’m missing, or can someone please explain why this isn’t batching? I have another piece of this object that has 60 faces that batches just fine. Yes, I re-imported it.


The issue was because I made a reference to the material…

Material m = renderer.GetComponent()

just that alone made it so that there was an additional draw call. Completely forgot that part.

I’m stupid.